The Last King of Takshendal goes missing and the LORD HIGH CHANCELLOR of TAKSHENDAL assumes Authority of the City in his absence.
The Philosopher Carl Marcus Peat publishes ‘The Struggle Within’.
Carl Marcus Peat commits suicide whilst being detained by the City Militia.
1584 – 1591.
Takshendal is witness to a series of actions by Revolutionary Students and other Malcontents by the name of ‘Strugglers’. One group distinguishes itself above all others in its Ruthless Campaign to implement Peat’s ideas. This group is called the BODGERSFIELD GANG.
Summer. 1597. Chapter One
The Notorious Pirate CAPTAIN MURDER attacks the City of TAKSHENDAL with a Fleet of Ships but is defeated largely due to the efforts of the City Militia and the much beloved Alesandrox WORMPOLE. Amongst the many people defending the city is also a young artists apprentice named MISTELINE.
12th Augusta. 1622. Chapter Two begins
A man is found dead in an alleyway by the City Militia in Takshendal. It is subsequently discovered that this man is Marius COPPERCUP, the son and heir of a wealthy Merchant of the City. Due to the Delicate Balance of Power in the City’s Merchant Class, Adriana Arabella WORMPOLE hires MISTELINE to solve the Mystery of the Murder in a bid to prevent an open conflict from occurring. Adriana Arabella WORMPOLE is the daughter of Alesandrox WORMPOLE and the most powerful Merchant in TAKSHENDAL.
MISTELINE is generally regarded as being a Formidable Intellectual, a Man of Great Learning and Letters, and something of a Genius with Regards to Natural Philosophy, Optical Illusions and the Perspective Arts. More importantly, he is regarded as being politically neutral.
14th Augusta. 1622.
In the course of their investigation MISTELINE and his Companions (DRAKE, RUFUS & SILAS) discover the Corpse of CAPTAIN MURDER who it transpires has also been murdered in the same alley way as Marius COPPERCUP.
CAPTAIN MURDER it seems was a Renegade Revolutionary and former Founding Member of the BODGERSFIELD GANG, named Phelonius ADDLEGATE. After his defeat in 1597 he appears to have lived the life of a Vagrant. He was murdered by Captain DOGMOSS of the City Militia whom he had attempted to blackmail. DOGMOSS had been a Secret Struggler, and turned Traitor in 1597.
18th Augusta. 1622.
MISTELINE and his companions solve the Mystery of Marius COPPERCUP’S Murder and in doing so discover a Deadly Plot to Overthrow the GRAND ARCH DUKE of TAKSHENDAL. Marius COPPERCUP was procuring young women for a local Banker named Augustus MARROW when he was murdered by Captain DOGMOSS in an attempt to remove COPPERCUP as a possible Witness to the Murder of Phelonius ADDLEGATE, also known as CAPTAIN MURDER.
In the course of their Investigation, MISTELINE and his Companions realise that MARROW and several co-conspirators have Smuggled Hired Soldiers from MURSULA and plan to Assassinate the GRAND ARCH DUKE and over throw of the City. The Discovery of Papers and Documents in a Secret Hide Out establishes that MARROW and his Friends are merely Pawns in a far wider Plot whose Mysterious Leader goes by the name RENAS COSTA. MISTELINE alerts Captain Quartermoon and the plot is foiled. Augustus MARROW Commits Suicide, as do several of his co-conspirators. Some are killed in the fighting and some are captured, but Aurore MARROW (Augustus’s wife) escapes the City and Disappears. No one is found by the name of RENAS COSTA.
Amongst the effects of Augustus Marrow and his co-conspirators, Misteline finds several Mysterious Black Stone Shards with Disturbing Powers of Suggestion. MISTELINE deduces that these Black Stones can be used to influence people against their will and further investigation reveals that the Stones were procured from a distant village named SLAPERSHAVEN. Adriana Arabella WORMPOLE Sends MISTELINE and his companions to SLAPERSHAVEN to Investigate the matter and if at all possible, prevent any one else from getting their hands on more Black Stones.
Chapter two ends
15th Septemus. 1622. Chapter Three begins
MISTELINE and his Companions arrive in SLAPERSHAVEN.
19th Septemus. 1622.
MISTELINE and his Companions find the Black Rock, but are confronted by several Men-at-Arms lead by a well dressed stranger who calls himself Archibald PILLORSEED. A Fight breaks out and MISTELINE and his Companions are forced to leave the Black Rock in PILLORSEED’S hands. MISTELINE attempts to trap PILLORSEED by means of the winter weather, but fails. MISTELINE and his Companions return home having established the size and location of the Black Rock.
Chapter three ends
14th Aprila. 1623.
Whilst on his way to the County of OVERMORE, CAPTAIN BLACKKETTLE, LORD HIGH SHERIFF of the MARNE TERRITORIES is ambushed and killed by unknown forces, presumed to be Bandits under the Command of The FALCON.
18th Aprila. 1623.
SILAS who is an ambitious Captain in the City Militia, formerly of PORT HAVEN, is promoted to LORD HIGH SHERIFF of the MARNE TERRITORIES and ordered to deal with the matter of OVERMORE which has refused to pay its taxes.
13th Mae. 1623.
SILAS arrives in THICKLY VALE and stays the night with Sir Adley De IVES.
Chapter four begins...
14th Mae. 1624.
SILAS is ambushed by bandits and several knights on the road to SNOAD. He survives the battle not least due to a rescue by Sir Adley de Ives and LORD PHELONIUS. After the battle he finds serious skin lacerations on the body of one of the dead knights, a man presumed to be the leader of the group. SILAS recognizes the markings as the effects of the BLACK ROCK and decides to send for MISTELINE.
Chapter five (The Dark Marches) begins...
14th Mae, continued....
SILAS travels to SNOAD, and OVERMORE CASTLE where he meets the Earls wife, the Lady JACINTA CASTELLETO GRAMBELINE and the Earls oldest son; MILES GRAMBELINE. They express their joy at meeting the new Lord High Sheriff and order a celebratory feast be prepared. Various local people of importance arrive at the Castle to present themselves to SILAS, some of whom attempt to buy favours.
SILAS sends a letter to MISTELINE to inform him of the discovery of another victim of the BLACK ROCK and requesting his help
During the night, SILAS awakes from a listless sleep, and peeks out into the castle courtyard where he spies a young lad speaking to The Earl. He attempts to move closer but is betrayed by a creaking beam. Unable to hear what is being said, he watches from cover as the lad leaves the castle and The Earl returns to the Great Tower. SILAS notes that the lad is returning to SNOAD, and has been seen by the Gate Guard. The Gate Guard tells SILAS that the boy was about 12-14 years old and had a cleft lip, but was not any one he recognised. The Earl had agreed to speak to the boy despite the late hour.
The Next day The Earl is found to have disapeared under mysterious circumstances. SILAS breaks into his office to find the room in complete disarray with much evidence of fire and even a gaping hole in the wall. The locals immediately blame the DRAGON of HALKYN MIRE and the consensus is the DRAGON has done away with The Earl. SILAS is unconvinced and notes various clues.
18th Mae. 1623.
MISTELINE, DRAKE & RUFUS arrive in KNOWLES END where DRAKES sister in law BERENGARD and nephew NATHAN live. They find BERENGARD alone and in misery, NATHAN has run away, apparently with a local vagrant known as AMOS GRANGER. Neither has been seen for over two months.
19th Mae. 1623.
The friends unite and go to see The Earl's office. It is found that the masonry is crumbling, so collapsing the wall to give the impression of an attack by The DRAGON was probably not too hard, the falling masonry did not attract attention probably due to the shape of the sloping land beneath the tower, the late hour and the scarcity of people on that side of the Castle.
Lady JACINTA CASTELLETO recognizes RUFUS from the old days in CASTELOPEA where they both grew up. Her face goes pale and she avoids him.
DRAKE finds tracks of horses nearby showing that a group of riders approached to within a mile of the castle at roughly the time of The Earl's disapearance. He back tracks these marks to the edge of KELSIE'S WOOD and then on from there to the road by COPON'S TOWER. but finds no further signs to indicate which direction they may have taken from there. He speaks to the guards in the tower and to a local peasant who lives nearby but they seen nothing. DRAKE realises that the guards are probably not even awake during the early hours of the morning. He returns to the castle and examines its walls thoroughly. He finds that climbing onto the wall is easiest from the direction of KELSIE'S WOOD.
20 Mae. 1623.
SILAS assumes legal authority and responsibility for the County of OVERMORE and appoints MISTELINE as a DEPUTY, gving him a Warrant and a bag of 100 CROWNS. DRAKE visits Baldwin FOXBRUSH and inquires after unusual travellers, or any one on a horse. FOXBRUSH is cool and does not offer any information. DRAKE then discovers several recently shod horses in a nearby field belonging to Sir Bohemond DASHFERN of DOCKREY HALL.
Towards the evening MISTELINE and his companions row out onto the River MARNE with a local smuggler, known as OLD SAM. They attempt to find the rumoured hidden village but encounters with numerous ships in the dark and a sentry in the rushes forces them to return to SNOAD with but one prisoner.
21 Mae. 1623.
RUFUS interogates the prisoner who names himself as Adolpho DE VIOLA SAN SEBASTOS, a Casilicucian mercenary of the famous COMPANY of the STAR, captained by one Nicolo SIGISMUNDO. According to ADOLPHO, the company is but one part of a far larger army under the Command of The FALCON.
Silas is visited by a Drover named Samkin LARCHMANTLE --> by whose testimony he learns that Earl Grambeline has quietly been moving large numbers of cattle from CASTELOPEA to KNOWLES END where another man, named Horace THISTLECOTE (who has disapeared) would take possesion. LARCHMANTLE does not know what THISTLECOTE was doing with the cattle, nor whence they were taken.
SILAS recieves a letter from Sir Baldwin De GRAVELOCK of GRENEHOWE, summoning all the Nobility of OVERMORE to a meeting at OVERMORE Castle on 22nd Mae.
RUFUS receives a message claiming to be from 'Basilio' summoning him to come alone to a meeting at a local barn on the night of the 21st. RUFUS went to the meeting and DRAKE, MISTELINE and FABIAN quietly approached the barn from the opposite direction. RUFUS entered the barn and four men attempted to trap him within. The trap failed and the four men were defeated, with FABIAN shooting three men dead and the fourth, shot by DRAKE, dying slowly of blood loss. No information was obtained except the dying man's last few incoherent words, which contained the name "Lemmy", and the fragment of the word "Castel...".
22 Mae. 1623.
In the early hours of the morning SILAS's house is broken into and a scuffle breaks out between SILAS's guards and a mysterious hoodedn burglar. In the ensuing commotion, Tarquin MOSSBANK is stabbed and the intruder makes his escape.
Tired and hungry, MISTELINE and his companions return to Snoad in the early hours of the morning. After learning of SILAS's break in, they return to the inn and sleep for a few hours. Upon awakening they learn that SILAS and one of his guards have been poisoned, most probably by the intruder during the night having dosed a keg of small beer. SILAS survives, but the guard dies.
MISTELINE and his companions attend the meeting called by Sir Baldwin De GRAVELOCK at OVERMORE CASTLE, with MISTELINE acting in SILAS's stead. Also present at the meeting were;
Lady Jacinta D’CASTELLETO-GRAMBELINE.* Not the same man whom MISTELINE and his companions encountered at the Fight for the Black Rock.
Miles GRAMBELINE, Esquire.
Cornelius HORNCROFT, Squire. Sam TROUT, Squire. William TAPLARCH, Seneschal.
Doctor MURTLEDOCK, Physician
Misteline. Rufus CARRARESI. Drake. Fabian.
Sir Baldwin De GRAVELOCK. Knight .
Wilhelm De GRAVELOCK, Esquire. Archibald PILLORSEED*, Squire. Allain FOXCOTTLE, Squire
Sir Adley De IVES.** Knight.
Robert De IVES, Esquire. Lambert FERRYWAX, Squire
Sir Reginald CARNOG. Knight.
Avery CARNOG, Esquire. Stewart CARNOG, Esquire. Darcy JARBLE, Squire.
Sir Bohemond DASHFERN. Knight.
Lamont SAXEFORD, Squire
Sir Roger FLOR. Knight.
Lady Marigold FLOR. Daughter. Lady Marjory FLOR. Daughter. Lady Meredith FLOR. Daughter.
Brother Mortimer DOGMOSS. Church of Holy Law.
Father Wendell MURDOCH. Church of Divine Grace.
Brother Floyd COXMARROW. Church of Divine Grace.
** The Knight who came to rescue SILAS at the Ambush on the 14th Mae.
During the meeting MISTELINE explained SILAS's situation and told the assembled throng that a messenger had been sent to TAKSHENDAL to supply Letters of Authority from the GRAND ARCH DUKE as well as Morris BLACKKETTLE's personal copies of the County's Tax Papers.
Sir Adley De IVES informed MISTELINE of a long standing Plan by the Nobility, under the Leadership of the EARL to establish a Secret Army of Mercenaries to combat the growing threat of The FALCON, the idea being to lure the Bandit into a pitched battle in open ground. This Secret Force of Mercenaries was said to be hidden some where in the Dales in the vicinty of KNOWLES MILL.
The Nobles assured MISTELINE that their own military resources were ready for war and could in the field within five to seven days. It was also established that with SILAS incapacitated, the official command of any armed force would fall to Miles GRAMBELINE.
Later in SNOAD, FABIAN and RUFUS apprehended DRAKE's nephew NATHAN but failed to catch his companion whom they took to be the mysterious vagrant named Amos GRANGER. NATHAN was returned to DRAKE who took him to the 'Stork and Toad'.
23 Mae. 1623
MISTELINE and his companions sought after a comprehensive library and were directed to the MONASTERIUM of the Church of Divine Grace in THICKLY VALE. Here MISTELINE found Thousands of Books and Maps, and with the help of an old Librarian, managed to decipher some of the notes he had copied from Albrecht D'SPEAR'S notebook.
The building marked 'Torretta del fiore giallo' was identifed as SAFFRON HALL; the House of Sir Adley DE IVES.
The temple marked in KELLING WOOD was identified as being a set of ruins upon which The Fox of the Forest inn was built.
RENAS COSTA was identified as being a mispronounciation of RE NASCOSTA, (Hidden King).
Various translations of the D'SPEAR notebook.
Il re ha ordinato che un monumento dovrebbe essere eretto sopra l'alloggiamento. Più successivamente questo monumento si è trasformato in in un tempiale - The king ordered that a monument should be erected over the chamber. Later this monument became a temple
Torretta del fiore giallo - Tower of the Yellow flower
Un grande monumento è stato eretto sopra l'alloggiamento agli ordini del re, qui i monaci ha costruito un monastry. Il drago è stato posto per riposare fino al giorno in cui sarebbe necessario ancora. - A Great Monument was erected over the chamber at the orders of the king, here the monks built a monastry. The dragon was laid to rest until the day when it would be needed again. P 5 Il Raconto di Kellis
Il drago si trova dietro l'ultimo alloggiamento fino a che il giorno Takshendal non debba denominare - The dragon lies behind the last chamber until the day Takshendal must call. P23 The Tale of Kellis
Consiglio dei nove -Council of the nine
Quandro il re nascosto rinvia nove vi riunrete apra lutimao portello dietro il mirrior e liberi il drago – When the hidden king returns, Nine shall you gather. Open the last door behind the mirror and release the dragon
Al Sud della foresta di Kellings – South of the forest of Kellings
Sotto la terra. Un alloggiamento di nove archi – Under the earth. Nine lodging arches
None of the books mentioned in Albrecht D'SPEAR'S notebook were to be found in the MONASTERIUM Library, but MISTELINE did find two interesting books;
The book details the History of the Order of Vigilance from circa 1070 to 1568, listing upwards of two hundred Noble Houses, including all eight of the names on Albrecht D'SPEAR'S list. The Order of Vigilance was supposedly founded by King ASROD III as a means of ensuring the rule of the Royalty and according to the book, was a Council of Nine Members, all the heads of a Noble House. Membership was by election and never hereditory.
This book detailed a long list of valuable artefacts, relics and works of art from the Age of Antiquity to 1438. In this book MISTELINE found a description and illustration of a Battle Standard of King Harolf which was said to have been shaped like the Dragon of Halkyn Mire. The book explains that the standard was built by a famous artisan smith named Mathew BROOKLEAF, and was Solid Gold with Ruby Eyes. There were no references to the standard being used in battle and its fate was a mystery.
24 Mae. 1623
After a pleasant stay amongst the monks, nuns and children at the MONESTERIUM, MISTELINE and his companions return to The Fox of the Forest inn in THICKLY VALE. RUFUS is sent north to SNOAD with a coded letter for SILAS and narrowly survives an ambush on the KELLING WOOD ROAD. He arrives in SNOAD and hands the message to SILAS.
SILAS is abducted in SNOAD by a dozen cavalry led by a Black Knight. RUFUS makes good his escape and returns to THICKLY VALE, avoiding the KELLING WOOD ROAD which he finds blocked by a barricade and some Thirty to Forty woodsmen. Whilst making his way around KELLING FOREST, on the High Ground to the South of the RIVER GLUN, RUFUS spies SILAS's abdutors heading East on the DOXFORTOR ROAD. Six of them turn to give chase, but the River and its Marshy banks defy's them. RUFUS escapes easily.
MISTELINE and DRAKE examine the Fox of the Forest inn and satisfy themselves that it is built over the Secret Temple described in the papers taken from Albrecht D'SPEAR's Journal. MISTELINE finds a possible entrance behind a book shelf in the wine cellar, but does not attempt to open it. Sir Adley DE IVES and several of his men arrive at the inn and tell MISTELINE that they will probably re open the KELLING WOOD ROAD on the morrow.
MISTELINE and his Companions note that FABIAN has gone missing.
25th Mae. 1623
In the Early Hours of the Morning, MISTELINE and DRAKE are awoken by the Inn Staff to examine the dead body of a Gypsy Musician whose Corpse has been hidden behind a Water Cistern. No immediate conclusion is reached as to the motive or identity of the killer. The Inn Keeper disposes of the body.
MISTELINE notes FABIAN's horse is missing from the stables.
MISTELINE returns to the wine cellar and discovers some one has broken through the book shelf only to find a stone wall barring the way. Undetered MISTELINE establishes there is a draught emanating from the wall.
Sir Adley DE IVES and his men return from unblocking the KELLING WOOD ROAD. They report an engagement with some 40 Bandits who fled into the forest after a brief exchange.
MISTELINE and his Companions return to SAFFRON HALL with Sir Adley DE IVES and a meeting is held to debate the kidnapping of SILAS whose abduction leaves Sir Bohemond DASHFERN as the most Senior Noble in the COUNTY. It is also established that Sir Bohemond DASHFERN's house DOCKREY HALL is also directly in line with the route taken by SILAS's abductors.
The Cook from the Fox of the Forest inn is established as the only person who knew of MISTELINE's Interest in the Bookshelf in the Wine Cellar. She is Summoned and Questioned, and identifies the Inn Keeper as the only person who asked what MISTELINE was up to. Sir Adley DE IVES men rush to the Inn to Apprehend the Inn Keeper and bring him back for questioning. The Inn Keeper confirms having asked the Cook about Misteline, but denies any knowledge of the Broken Bookcase.
Sir Adley DE IVES decides to begin mobilising his full military resources, and sends a message to Sir Reginald CARNOG, whom he declares utterly trust worthy, to do likewise. A messenger is also sent to KNOWLES MILL where according to Sir Adley DE IVES, Earl GRAMBELINE's Secret Mercenary Force is encamped.
MISTELINE and his Companions return to the Inn and examine the wall behind the Broken Bookcase. The Wall is broken down and a Large Man Made Pit is discovered on the far side. The Pit is approx. Forty Yards deep with water filling the lowest Eight Yards. The ceiling of The Pit is supported by Eight pillars with Curving Supports four great Stone Beams. The whole structure appears to be holding up the Courtyard and Stable building of the Fox of the Forest inn.

MISTELINE and his Companions examine The Pit further. NATHAN is sent in to clambour about within and bring light to bear and in doing so reveals a circular hole in the centre of the ceiling. An Examination of the Stables reveals a large stone disk hidden below the flag stones and corresponding to the Recepticle Stone of Albrecht D'Spear's notes.
A further chamber similar to the Inn cellar is Discovered below a house on the far side of The Pit and MISTELINE and his Companions come to the conclusion that Albrecht D'Spear's notes are flawed and that the building drawn in his notes was built on top of this subterranean structure.
A further examination of the buildings in the centre of the village reveals masonry scavanged from the large building that was probably built over The Pit.
MISTELINE and his Companions return to Sir Adley DE IVES house where they meet with Sir Roger FLOR and his daughters.
27th Mae. 1623.
MISTELINE goes to the House of Sir Roger FLOR where he peruses the Library. He establishes that the SECRET TEMPLE described in Albrecht D'SPEAR's note book is never shown in maps predating 1190, but on maps drawn after 1236 the current location of THICKLY VALE is marked by ruins. MISTELINE also notes that in the same period, none of the original towers that characterise the area are marked until 1236 either. Prior to that date, the region is always shown on maps simply as MORDEN FOREST, though sometimes there is a legend 'here be ye Dragon'. MISTELINE also discovers that there has been No Documented Sighting of the DRAGON of HALKYN MIRE since 1432
As the day draws to a close, MISTELINE returns to the MONASTERIUM to cross check his discoveries with the maps there. He discovers they correspond to Sir Roger FLOR's maps. He also discovers that whilst most of the Noble Familes have fought each other in the past, the Houses of GRAMBELINE and DASHFERN have always maintained close links both with each other and with the old Royal House of TAKSHENDAL.
DRAKE, RUFUS and four of Sir Adley DE IVES men ride north to KNOWLES END where they over night with Sir Reginald CARNOG.
28th Mae. 1623.
DRAKE, RUFUS, four of Sir Adley DE IVES men and a Guide from Sir Reginald CARNOG ride to KNOWLES MILL where they discover the peasants to be living in fear of a Rotund Dark Stranger who calls himself HARDWICK, though DRAKE identifies the man as probably being either a Tursk or possibly a Zubarian. DRAKE attempts to sweet talk the local Blacksmith but to no avail.
RUFUS meets a strange deformed sheep-herder who despite hideous physical abnormalities speaks as an Educated Man, even recognising RUFUS from a wood cut in the 1622 'Almanac of Takshendal'. RUFUS discovers that HARDWICK has been terrorizing the locals for almost three Years. Suspicious of the Tursk, DRAKE and RUFUS arrest him and after some robust interogation HARDWICK confesses to being an employee of the EARL of OVERMORE, charged with buying cattle from a drover in KNOWLES END and then sending them on to SAND HUTTON where ships belonging to the COMPANY OF THE STAR would take them away. When pressed to say where to the cattle were taken, HARDWICK guessed they were being taken to the RIVER MARNE.
DRAKE and RUFUS decide to return with their prisoner to THICKLY VALE.
MISTELINE and NATHAN travel north and rendezvous with DRAKE, RUFUS and their Guards in GALLOWE. Fearing a possible ambuscade from returning via the same route, MISTELINE advocates returning to THICKLY VALE by an alternative route. This brings them to Sir Roger FLOR's house at dusk where upon HARDWICK is interogated by MISTELINE and some of Sir Adley DE IVES men. HARDWICK reveals his contact with
29th Mae. 1623.
DRAKE sneaks into KELLING WOOD and discovers several sentry's. After a quick Recce, he withdraws to report to Sir Adley DE IVES
30th Mae. 1623.
The body of a young lad with a cleft lip is found near LOWER GRIPPEN. MISTELINE and his companions investigate and whilst doing so, encounter the Retinue of Sir Archon CRABAPPLE, LORD HIGH TREASURER of TAKSHENDAL accompanied by Sir Bohemond DASHFERN and various other dignitories en route to THICKLY VALE to visit Sir Adley DE IVES.
A feast is held at the House of Sir Adley DE IVES, with MISTELINE, RUFUS and NATHAN attending whilst DRAKE travels to GRIPPEN.
31st Mae. 1623.
DRAKE breaks into the Castle of Sir Bohemond DASHFERN in GRIPPEN, discovers and then Liberates Earl Phelonius GRAMBELINE from the Dungeons. The Earl makes good his Escape but DRAKE is Captured.
Sir Adley DE IVES, Sir Archon CRABAPPLE, Sir Bohemond DASHFERN and various others engage in an early morning hunt, but shortly after this has begun, Sir Archon CRABAPPLE is found murdered and meyhem ensues. MISTELINE examines the body and concludes the LORD HIGH TREASURER has been murdered. Shortly here after, Lord Phelonius GRAMBELINE turns up riding on a mule and the identity of RENAS COASTA is established as Sir Bohemond DASHFERN.
Sir Adley DE IVES returns from the hunt and The EARL issue orders. Sir Adley is to take all his available forces and capture Sir Bohemonds house which is largely undefended. In the mean while, Lord Phelonius will travel to WAPONTAK to raise a second army and spread the news of the rebellion.
Sir Adley marches North. A burning farm attracts attention and hopefull of an encouter Sir Adley cuts across the fields on his way to the GRIPPEN Bridge. By Chance Sir Adley meets Sir Bohemond and the two forces engage in battle.
I'm *throbbing* with anticipation.
You can cease your throbbing now
I, Rufus Carraresi de Catelopea, does NOT want to know about your throbbing Misteline. You can talk with Drake about that.
This actually belongs with yesterday's gaming session, but since it is fresh in my mind I post it here.
Rasmus and Jan will have to imagine the Italian/Castelopean accent while Rufus pulls Silas aside, Misteline and drake should not notice, let them think that eager to fight, swaggering and self-confident = stupido if they so please.
"Silase, my frienda. I cannot but helpa notice thata you have hadda the people whipped in the basementa. Whatever my personal feelings abouta whipping, it issa possibly notta tha besta idea at the monenta... we hava much locala dissentio and an outlaw lord whipping up dissent and rebellion. There is local sympathisers and you can trust no one. I think that whipping and heavily taxing the locals is possibly not the best way to win support against him and his army of 10.000, in fact I suspect quite the contrary. I suspect that every peasant you have whipped or even tax heavily will run and join that Falcone fellow, spy for him, send him supplies or the like.
Think about it, he has 10.000, how many have you? 7? And if you call up the levy, how many will come? And how many of them can you trust?
You are not in an enviable position my friend, you should walk carefully, and perhaps think hearts and minds instead of squeezing the last drop out of them. Tiberius Caesar once said, “I want my : sheep shorn, not shaven.” You should heed this my friend, or you will be very alone against La Falcone and his army of peasants and mercenaries...
MISTELINE sketched the dead mens faces.
One was called Horace.
Apparently Misteline didn't sketch the faces after all, that was just my misunderstanding.
Not yet anyway.
The hour is late.
We have the corpses (and it would be good if they 'vanished', so that whoever sent them doesn't know if we captured any of them).
I may record their likenesses later, but we may have more urgent business.
Note that Oleg has yet to play the 28th.
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